PSHE Assembly: Anti-Bullying Week

PSHE Assembly: Anti-Bullying Week


This assembly is aimed at KS1 and KS2; you can make the assembly more challenging with more in-depth discussions about the damage bullying can have on self-esteem and cover online bullying. If you feel it is appropriate for UKS2, you may want to explain teen suicide rates linked with bullying briefly. The PSHE objectives for this assembly have been selected from the PHSE Association's Programme of Study for PSHE Education 2020.

Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2

Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

  • PSHE
  • R11. Pupils learn about how people may feel if they experience hurtful behaviour or bullying
  • R12. Pupils learn that hurtful behaviour (offline and online) including teasing, name-calling, bullying and deliberately excluding others is not acceptable; how to report bullying; the importance of telling a trusted adult
  • R10. Pupils learn that bodies and feelings can be hurt by words and actions; that people can say hurtful things online
  • R19. Pupils learn about the impact of bullying, including offline and online, and the consequences of hurtful behaviour
  • R20. Pupils learn strategies to respond to hurtful behaviour experienced or witnessed, offline and online (including teasing, name-calling, bullying, trolling, harassment or the deliberate excluding of others); how to report concerns and get support
  • R21. Pupils learn about what is kind and unkind behaviour, and how this can affect others
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