Emotion Stones
Emotion Stones
Product Resources
Don’t hide your feelings with this little gem(stone) of a resource! Instead, encourage your pupils to express themselves with these beautifully crafted, tactile Emotion Stones.
Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, EYFS
Year 5, Year 3, Year 2, Year 1, Year 6, Reception, Year 4, Age 0-2, Age 2-3, Age 3-4
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- ELG: Building Relationships
- ELG: Managing Self
- ELG: Self-Regulation
- Health and Wellbeing
- Living in the wider world
- Relationships
- H11. Pupils learn about different feelings that humans can experience
- H13. Pupils learn how feelings can affect people’s bodies and how they behave
- H14. Pupils learn how to recognise what others might be feeling
- H12. Pupils learn how to recognise and name different feelings
- H15. Pupils learn to recognise that not everyone feels the same at the same time, or feels the same about the same things
- H16. Pupils learn about ways of sharing feelings; a range of words to describe feelings
- H17. Pupils learn to recognise that feelings can change over time and range in intensity
- H18. Pupils learn about everyday things that affect feelings and the importance of expressing feelings
- H18. Pupils learn different things they can do to manage big feelings, to help calm themselves down and/or change their mood when they don’t feel good
- H19. Pupils learn a varied vocabulary to use when talking about feelings; about how to express feelings in different ways;
- H19. Pupils learn to recognise when they need help with feelings; that it is important to ask for help with feelings; and how to ask for it
- H20. Pupils learn strategies to respond to feelings, including intense or conflicting feelings; how to manage and respond to feelings appropriately and proportionately in different situations
- R10. Pupils learn about the importance of friendships; strategies for building positive friendships; how positive friendships support wellbeing
- R24. Pupils learn how to listen to other people and play and work cooperatively
- Show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others, and begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly
- Show sensitivity to their own and to others’ needs
- Work and play cooperatively and take turns with others