Year 1 Manipulate the Calculation: What Would the Parrot Do?
Year 1 Manipulate the Calculation: What Would the Parrot Do?
WOW Lesson
This lesson helps children move away from their default strategy for finding a total of two numbers (e.g. Counting On, Count All) by engaging the powerful tools of concrete resources, pictorial representations, animation, story and story characters to introduce a Mastery alternative. Children sometimes find it very difficult to engage with alternative strategies for finding a total. Many become stuck with a ‘Count All’ or a ‘Count On’ strategy. The use of a character who has mastered an alternative strategy, enables the children to think beyond their default strategy and mimic the efficient strategy of the character.
Key Stage 1
Year 1
- Mathematics
- Number - addition and subtraction
- add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including 0