EYC Episode 11 - School Leadership is Easy:

How to Lead Without Sacrificing Wellness

95% of headteachers are stressed, 89% of school leaders - this MUST change. School leaders are leaving in droves, staff retention is a tough task, deficit budgets are becoming the norm - team this with HR issues, parental complaints and Ofsted, and we can see why leaders are drained. In this episode, Jane Woods, leadership coach and experienced headteacher and Michelle (HEYD CEO) explore the vital intersection of wellness and school leadership. Are you ready to join the 'unstressed' club?

EYC Episode 11 - School Leadership is Easy: How to Lead Without Sacrificing Wellness

Duration 00:41:06

Chapter 1: Childhood nutrition overview ( 01:12 )

Chapter 2: Ultra-processed food ( 03:00 )

Chapter 3: Impact ( 05:16 )

Chapter 4: Simple changes/tips ( 07:26 )

Chapter 5: Alternatives ( 11:04 )

Chapter 6: Changing lunchbox culture ( 16:05 )

Chapter 7: Where do we start ( 20:02 )

Chapter 8: Good food academy ( 23:28 )

Chapter 9: Radical slump in life prospects ( 26:30 )

Chapter 10: Forming new habits ( 31:03 )

Join your host Carla as she delves into all things PSHE with todays

guest expert - Louise Jackson

Chapter 1:

Why PSHE is important ( 0:57 )

Chapter 2:

PSHE post-covid ( 3:24 )

Chapter 3:

Best way to teach PSHE ( 5:25 )

Chapter 4:

PPA Cover ( 12:14 )

Chapter 5:

Conflict resolution (14:33 )

Chapter 6:

Challenges &assemblies ( 20:15 )

Chapter 7:

Expectations &assessment (30:45)

Duration: 00:34:06

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